Welcome to NBWP. My name is Nils Beers and I help companies turn ideas into markets. Active as an adviser, interim manager and investor. Interested in opportunities as a co-founder, investor or (interim) ceo or executive in (Deep)Tech

About me:

Business Developer. Strategist. Lucky enough to have been part of some of most powerful teams out there. Skilled in building strong partnerships leveraging product, and business development resources. Passionate about consumer tech and services. Fascinated by interplanetary travel, and all things sci-fi.

Why contact me:

Let’s dive into some of the reasons why you should definitely reach out to me.

You’re J.J. Abrams coming back to me on my Star Wars Cameo (took you long enough ;). You have a business development opportunity that makes me wanna drop everything I do. You have a "growth" or market entry challenge. You want to build a corporate startup venture that actually scales. You want to think big but feel not a lot of people understand you. You want do define your Why, How and What to make doing stuff easier. You want to find the best product/market/investor fit.

Connect with me on:

Linkedin, Twitter, Instagram

Clubhouse: NilsBeers

Discord/CODmobile: NBWP83